Am 15. September ist es soweit; 20 Oberstufenschüler werden mit Frau Krämer und Frau Dopp nach Danzig, Polen, fliegen und dort unsere Partnerschule, das 5. Lyzeum besuchen.
Für eine Woche leben die Teilnehmer in Gastfamilien, gehen in die Schule und lernen Danzig und Umgebung kennen.
Arrival and integration meeting
We arrived at the airport in Gdansk around 14 o’clock, where our Polish exchange partners welcomed us with name tags. Then we went home together and met their families. We had some time together until all of us met again at the school. There we started with a few games to get to know each other. In addition, we learned a few dances, for example „Belgijka”, and we had a quiz about the exchange, which was a lot of fun. After that, our exchange partners showed us around their school. When we got back, we had dinner with the whole family, which was delicious. All in all, it was a great first day.
Leona & Lena