First we enjoyed a two-hour guided tour of the old town of Gdansk, which was very informative and enlightening. We were able to learn a lot about the German and Polish past in the inter-war and post-war periods. Our guide also told us a lot about other German tourists who experienced Gdansk at that time, which also had interesting backgrounds.
Afterwards we went to the museum about WW2 in Danzig. We had audio guides telling us about the history of the exponats and just general history. The first thing you saw was a film avout the catalysts of WW2. Afterwards you went through different rooms in which for example the different totalist regims were explained. I found the replicated polish street realy striking because you felt like you traveled into another time. Over all the museum shows the horros of the war realy well and you can almost feel some of the terror the people must have felt back then. Sadly I didn’t have enough time to see the intire museum because we only had 1½ hour. I probably would have needed at least 3 hours but could have spent probably 5 hours. Despite that I found the museum fascinating and would probably go there again with more time.
Judith & Konstantin