As of June 05, this year, 15 bilingual students at our school have successfully passed the CAE (Cambridge Advanced Certificate). The students have once more demonstrated by outstanding results (5 students even reached level C2 and 10 have reached level C1) that they can meet high levels of the English language in terms of reading, listening, speaking, writing or use of English.
These results represent the significant amount of investment they have put in effort and time to pass this difficult exam, and we hope this will encourage our future generation of bilingual students to take part in next year’s CAE examination. The CAE will continue to be a valuable certificate, especially when it comes to spending time abroad or studying at a foreign university after school.
Congratulations to these magnificent results and all the best to our students.
05 JUNE 2024 CAE* Results summary 100% of results released
Bereits zum 8. Mal fand am 19.12.23 der bilinguale Karrieretag am Lloyd Gymnasium statt. Einst von ehemaligen Schülern und Schülerinnen ins Leben gerufen, ist dieser Tag nunmehr eine alljährlich stattfindende, feste Institution für das bilinguale Profil. Insgesamt 18 ehemalige Schüler und Schülerinnen aus den Jahrgängen 2006 bis 2023 kamen um 9:30 in der Aula, zusammen, wo zunächst ein reger Austausch untereinander stattfand. Die Ehemaligen informierten die aktuellen Bilis über ihre Studiengänge und beruflichen Erfahrungen, die sie zum großen Teil, auch bedingt durch das bilinguale Profil, im Ausland gewonnen haben. Die bilingualen SuS der E und Q-Phasen erhielten Einblicke und Möglichkeiten, die eine bilinguale Schulbildung ihnen bietet und konnten in vielen guten Gesprächen von den Erfahrungen und Ratschlägen der Alumni zehren. Der Zweck des bilingualen Profils, der effektiven Vorbereitung auf vielerlei Studiengänge und Auslandsaufenthalte oder Studiengänge mit internationaler Ausrichtung zu dienen, wurde wieder einmal besonders hervorgehoben.
Viele gute Gespräche fanden statt …… sowohl mit der E-Phase… als auch mit den Q-Phasen.
24 students have successfully passed the CAE on June 27 this year. Once again, they have proved by outstanding results (2 students even reached level C2) to have managed the challenges of the English language in all areas: reading, listening, speaking, writing and use of English.
They have intensely worked on these results and now serve as role models for the next generation of bilingual students. The CAE is a valuable certificate, which will open many doors for our students in the course of their future academic life. We wish our students all the best. (BAR)
Result summary
Results distribution (im Vergleich zum GER=Gemeinsamer Europäischer Referenzrahmen)
In May 2023, 27 pupils from years 8 and 9 went on an exchange visit to Collège Bucaille Charcot in our twin town Cherbourg-en-Cotentin in France.
Both French and German students spent one week in their exchange partner’s family and did an English-language project on sustainable development together.
In France, we discovered the town of Cherbourg, several places of interest along the coast of the Cotentin Peninsula, the Bayeux tapestry and Utah Beach as well as the Pointe du Hoc, two important sites of the Second World War.
We had conferences about how energy is produced in Normandy and played serious games to understand what is at stake with climate change and what sustainable development is.
In Bremerhaven, we learned more about what we can do to protect our environment and visited several places of interest for our project, such as the Fraunhofer Institut IWES, The Nationalpark-Haus Wurster Nordseeküste, the Klimahaus and the Alfred-Wegener Institut (AWI) in Bremerhaven.In these two weeks, we improved our language skills, learned a lot about each other’s everyday lives and cultures – and most importantly, we had a lot of fun!
Is Potsdam really worth visiting? That’s a question a few other people from my school and I give you an answer for because we went to Berlin on our course trip, together with the BILI course, and visited Potsdam on Wednesday, 7th June 2023. Have you have been to Potsdam or Berlin? If you have been, then feel free to write to me about your own experience! I’m curious to know about it.We took a suburban train from Berlin Ostkreuz station to the main station of Potsdam which took about 45 minutes. We walked around in groups of 5 in 28°C and permanent sunshine. The landmarks we visited were Alexandrovka, the Bridge of spies, the Dutch quarter and the little Brandenburger gate – which is in general just a smaller version of the one standing in Berlin by the way.
Dutch Quarter, Potsdam (cc)
Our first stop was the Dutch quarter and upon entering the area south of the Kurfürstenstraße, visitors (including us) will feel like they have been transported to the Netherlands rather than being in the heart of Potsdam! The Dutch Quarter, also known as ”Little Amsterdam“, includes four squares and a total of 134 two-storey houses. The unique quarter is the largest one outside of the Netherlands enclosing Dutch-style buildings. The facades of terraced houses consist entirely of red Dutch brick with white joints. Some of the eaves and gable houses also have white-green shutters. Although the Dutch Quarter suffered little damage during the Second World War, the area deteriorated during the GDR period – hence during the time of German division. Restoration led by the Potsdam City Council began in the 1970s and involved homeowners, artists, conservationists, private investors and others. In my opinion, committing to the restorations was definitely worth it because so called Little Amsterdam is really beautiful to look at and has a lot of cute shops and buildings which you can also see during your stay in Potsdam.
Brandeburg Gate, Potsdam (cc)
The second stop on our list was the little Brandenburg gate which we actually mixed up with another gate which is why we had to go all the way back on our group discovery to get to the actual one. When visiting the smaller version of the Brandenburg gate you can barely see any differences, only if you take a close look at it and thoroughly analyze the two gates. However, the gate was in the middle of a little plaza and surrounded by a few shopping streets with smaller and bigger shops including cafes and other restaurants.
The Brandenburg Gate on the Luisenplatz in Potsdam, was built in 1770–71 by Carl von Gontard and Georg Christian Unger because of an order from Frederick II of Prussia. It is located at the western end of Brandenburger Straße, which runs in a straight line up to the Church of St. Peter and St. Paul. But the smaller gate wasn’t the first one to stand in that exact place! In 1733 there was another, way plainer, gate which resembled a castle gateway. Together with the city wall, a form of toll or excise barrier and the other gates its main purpose was to prevent desertion and smuggling. Towards the end of the Seven Years’ War, Frederick the Great had the old gate demolished and instead he built this new Brandenburg Gate as a symbol of his victory. For that reason, the Brandenburg Gate resembles a Roman triumph arch, as its prototype was the Arch of Constantine in Rome. The Roman influence of its architectural style can be seen for example in the double columns of Corinthian order as well as in the design of the attic.
Alexandrowka (Russian colony in Potsdam) (cc)
Would you go and visit the smaller gate to try and find those differences or maybe to just look at it? And when you’re there, would you also visit Alexandrowka or have you already visited it? We did and it was really cool to look at how such a different style of architecture can fit into the middle of a city like Potsdam. Alexandrowka is the Russian colony in the north of Potsdam. It consists of thirteen wooden houses in Russian style, which were built between 1826 and 1827 on special demand of the former Prussian king, Friedrich Wilhelm III. Originally the colony was the home of the Russian singers of the First Prussian Regiment of the Guards. The blockhouses are surrounded by generous gardens. In the north of the colony, you can find the Kapellenberg which is a hill on which the Alexander-Newski-Church was especially constructed for the Russian colonists. Today, only a few descendants of the former inhabitants live in the Russian colony in Potsdam. During the last decades – before the reunification of East- and West Germany – there had been efforts to preserve the existing architectural core with the little money available. Would you live in a building like those? Nowadays, thirteen years after reunion, many preservationists, conservators and house owners are working together on the costly reconstruction of the monument. The buildings of the Russian village Alexandrowka shall be rescued and reconstructed in accordance to the original status. It’s good to know that historical buildings are being restored and taken care of, don’t you think?
Exchange of spies on Bridge of Spies in Potsdam
On a sad note, my group didn’t make it in time to go and see the Bridge of Spies where captured spies were exchanged during the Cold War. However, it looks really good on photos we’ve seen and visiting it should definitely also be on your bucket list for your city trip to Potsdam!
After reading all about our trip, wouldn’t you like to go to Potsdam and see for yourself how beautiful the city is? If so, take my advice and go visit these mentioned landmarks and try to have a good time! Feel free to write to me or others about your own experience in Potsdam or Berlin if you decide to visit or if you already have.
Am 20.01.2023 besuchte die US-Amerikanerin Kelly Lennon das Lloyd Gymnasium, um dort im 8. Jahrgang einen Gastvortrag zum Leben in den USA zu halten. In zwei 45-minütigen Durchgängen informierte sie den 8. Jahrgang, und die 5b als Gastklasse, sowohl über ihre Heimatstadt Chicago und deren Spezialitäten als auch über ihre eigene Erfahrung in der 8. Klasse einer amerikanischen Mittelschule. In interaktiven Austausch- und Fragerunden konnten die Schüler*innen ihr Wissen über die USA aus dem Englischunterricht anbringen und in der Fremdsprache mit Kelly ins Gespräch kommen.
Nicht nur Kelly und den Schüler*innen hat der Vortrag gut gefallen, sondern auch den begleitenden Englisch-Lehrkräften.Ein Highlight war auch die aktive Beteiligung der Schüler*innen aus der 5b, die durch diesen Vortrag gemerkt haben, wie gut es ihnen bereits gelingt einer Muttersprachlerin auf Englisch zu folgen und selbst mit Beiträgen in der Fremdsprache teilzunehmen. Wir danken Kelly für ihren Besuch und allen Lehrkräften und Schüler:innen für den herzlichen Empfang!
Our current 14 Q1 bilingual students received their CAE results. Ten students achieved a pass at C1, including five who achieved more than 190 points and one even with a maximum of 205 points at level C2.
We are very proud of the achievements of our students and we wish them all the best as they make their next steps.
„Wozu braucht man eigentlich Englisch?“ – eine berechtigte Frage, wenn man den Schülern und Schülerinnen der 5d zugeschaut hat, die zu Beginn der Jubiläumsfeier in ihrer Aufführung sehr deutlich machten, dass man die englische Sprache in so gut wie allen Lebenslagen braucht.
Am Freitag, den 16.12.22 feierten wir das 30-jährige Bestehen des bilingualen Profils mit einem sehr schönen Festakt in der Aula gemeinsam mit Gästen, Eltern, Kolleginnen und Kollegen, aktuellen und ehemaligen Bilis.
Artikel der Nordsee-Zeitung
Lesen Sie den Artikel der Nordsee-Zeitung vom 19.12.2022.
Die Gründung des Profils erfolgte im Jahre 1992 durch M. Cordes. Zunächst nur als Schulversuch gedacht, entwickelte und etablierte sich das Profil bis heute zu einem festen Bestandteil des Lloyd Gymnasiums. Durch die engagierte Arbeit der Kollegen und Kolleginnen des bilingualen Fachbereichs, können bis heute in der Sek I die Fächer Geografie, SaPS (Social and Political Studies), Geschichte und Biologie auf Englisch unterrichtet und in der gymnasialen Oberstufe die beiden Sachfächer Biologie und Geschichte auf Englisch bis zum Abitur angeboten werden.
Den 30-jährigen Erfolg des bilingualen Profils zeichnet u.a. aus, dass es sich ständig weiterentwickelt und es sich zum Ziel gemacht hat, auf die sich verändernde Schülerschaft, die sich verändernden Bedürfnisse, neue und andere Fragestellungen und Interessen einzugehen, die das Erlernen einer Sprache im interkulturellen Zusammenhang einer globalen Welt erforderlich machen.
Wir hoffen, dass das Profil auch in Zukunft erfolgreich sein wird und in 10 Jahren sein 40-jähriges Bestehen feiern kann.
Festschrift zum JubiläumAustausch nach der EröffnungsfeierTreffen vieler Unterstützer der bilingualen ProfilsSnacks und Getränke vor der AulaFeier im Foyer der AulaErgebnisse aus dem Bili-UnterrichtPräsentation der Ergebnisse aus dem UnterrichtEhemalige und Interessierte im regen Austauschunterschiedliche Projekte stellen sich vorbilinguale Schüler*innenergebnissebilinguale Schüler*innenergebnissebilinguale UnterrichtsergebnisseFilmvorführung der E-PhaseUnterrichtsprojekte